super generic girl

the awesomely average life of a girl like all others



1. I’m Portuguese but currently living in New Zealand. 

2. I’m a journalist during business hours. Don’t hold it against me.

3. I run a lot. I talk about running a lot (probably more than I run). Sometimes I write about it here, mostly so I don’t get my friends too tired of hearing me go on and on about it. 

4. Trail running is my favourite kind of running but road running makes me happy too.

5. I bake more than I should.

6. I’ve got the cutest cat this side of the galaxy.

7. I wish I could travel for a living.

8. I document everything. Mostly in the form of a list.

9. I hate it when people put the spoon in the yoghurt when handing me a pot. I know it’s a terribly first world problem but I can’t get over it.

10. I also can’t bring myself to eat the ends of sausages. Don’t ask.

11. I always leave the last few drops of any drink in a cup or glass.

12. I resisted Star Wars for nearly 25 years. One weekend, friends got me to watch all the movies. Now I bet I’m a bigger Star Wars nerd than you.

13. Avocados disgust me. 

14. I’ve got a phobia of lizards. Not a fear. A phobia. My body paralyzes and I cry uncontrollably when I see one. In fact, I don’t even have to see it. Just knowing they’re around is enough. 

15. On the other hand, I’ll happily catch that spider for you, if you’re scared. All spiders are cool. And totally not scary.

16. I cry for just about any reason. Well, except spiders.

17. I grind my teeth a lot and my jaw locks when I’m stressed. I sometimes sleep with a mouth guard. It’s really sexy. 

18. I have never dyed my hair and I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve worn make up (and, even then, only foundation). I’m neither ashamed nor proud of it, it just never crosses my mind. I once bought a moisturizing cream because my friend freaked me out about how I never moisturize and I’m going to look 30 years older than my real age really soon. The whole moisturizing thing lasted a good week. The cream is still sitting there, by the sink, but I never remember to use it. I’m probably going to be that 40 year old lady who looks like she’s 80. So yeah, go elsewhere for beauty tips. 

19. I own over 100 pairs of shoes. I don’t know why, I only wear a small percentage of those. I’m trying to be better about it this year (as in I’m trying to wear more of the shoes in my collection, not I’m trying to buy less shoes – that’d just be silly). 

20. I eat M&Ms two at a time and they can’t both be the same colour.

21. Still on the subject of colours, each item of clothing has to be hung on the line to dry using two pegs with different colours.

22. On a regular working day, my alarm goes off 1h30 before I actually have to get up. I hit snooze every 5 minutes for 90 minutes. Is this the ultimate proof that I’m lazier than everyone else? Probably. Also, now that I wrote this, I think I understand why I’m so tired every morning.

23. Said alarm is set for 6:03. Because 6am is too early and 6:05 is too late.

24. Don’t ask me how to get anywhere. I can barely navigate my way out of the house (this is less of a joke than it might sound like).

25. My biggest disappointment is having absolutely zero musical talent. I can play a total of zero instruments and the last thing you should wish for is having me sing for you. Except when I’m in my car. When I’m in my car by myself, I’m freaking Beyonce.

26. I can’t swim properly. I absolutely could not swim up until a couple of years ago when I took some lessons. Now I sort of can but still sort of can’t. I’ll never be confident enough in the water but I’ve learned to accept this fact.

27. Sort of related: boat trips freak me out. 

28. I hate loud music.

29. I collect vintage bone china trios.

30. I don’t have cable TV and the TV is hardly ever on when I’m around. I do watch some TV shows religiously (hello, HIMYM!), but on my computer.

31. Seinfeld is my favourite sitcom of all time. I wrote an assignment about it in university, which tells you a lot about the complexity of my degree.

32. I hate it when people shorten words that don’t need to be shortened. I eat breakfast, not brekkie. I wear sunglasses, not sunnies. I also judge people for their grammar. Sometimes silently, sometimes not so silently. 

33. Even though I live on the opposite side of the world from my family, I talk to my parents every single day and the rest of my close family more than once a week.

34. I once fell between a train and the platform just as the train was about to move. A guy appeared from behind and grabbed me and got me on the train. I was in shock and didn’t even think of thanking the man. Whenever people ask me what I would change if I could go back in time, thanking this man is always one of the first things that comes to my mind.

35. Whenever I’m buying something in the supermarket, I always have to get the item in the second row, never the first.I don’t want any of that crap in the front that everyone else has touched. Ew.

36. I get my hair cut once a year because I really really hate going to the hairdresser and having people touch my hair. 

37. I’m a sucker for gifs and internet memes.

38. There are a couple of words I never write properly on the first go. Technology is one of them. I always type “techonology” first. My day job is as a journalist for an IT publication so that word comes up a lot. 

39. I drink more coffee than I should, according to some people. Not enough coffee, according to myself.

40. I can’t think of anything else to say but I can’t let this list end on an odd number so here’s another line or two of text. It’s got no useful information in it. Just like the rest of the list.

Got any questions/comments/declarations/warnings/threats/thoughts/musings/etc? supergenericgirl at gmail dot com is the place to send those to.

(photo by the lovely stacey riordan, taken during one of our training runs in the Waitakere Ranges)

33 thoughts on “About

  1. Nice blog! Where are you from in Portugal, and when are you heading back? I’ll be there in October, any recommendations?

    • Thanks! I’m actually going back next week (for the first time in 18 months!). I’m from Lisbon and it is a beautiful city – hope you’re heading there! If you can, I recommend day trips to Sintra and Evora (both amazing cities full of great monuments) and also trips to the fishing villages around the Lisbon area (Ericeira, Peniche, etc). Have a great time there!:)

  2. Hi
    My name is Tony I’m in England, I’m just writing to you because I also blog and would like to meet more people like you and make new friends and share stuff etc. I am currently training for next years London marathon but I am not looking to hit on you for money so relax! I just wondered how would you feel about us adding each other’s blogs to our respective blogroll’s? I would love to meet more people on wordpress and share stuff. I hope we can follow each other’s blog? I have absolutely no other agenda, I am not a spammer or a trying to promote any kind of product or business I promise! I’m just a jogger in the Uk looking to make more friends across the ether.
    Hope we can be friends. Tony

  3. Hi! I’m Sue, and I’m from SlimKicker, a fitness/diet app and online website. I saw your blog today and it captured my interest!

    I’m contacting you b/c we’re about to release a fitness tracker (similar to FitBit) early next year, and are looking for bloggers who would be interested in receiving 1 for free to review when it is out (negative or positive).

    Would you be interested in doing this? You can email me at: sue (at) slimkicker (com) with ‘Review’ in the email heading if you are.

    Just to let you know, our online website SlimKicker basically turns your fitness/diet goals into a fun level-up game. The tracker will work with the website, and allow people to track calories burned and number of steps they walk automatically. The more they exercise, the more points they rack up! That’s basically how it will work.

    Anyway, hope to hear back either way…

    – Sue
    P.S. You can choose not to display this comment as this is more of a private comment 🙂

  4. Your “underpants gnome” entry led me in here, and now I’m hooked! You are hilarious. Can’t wait to read more!

  5. Pingback: A story of a fitness club fresher | I sense, therefore I reflect

  6. wordpress suggested you in my sidebar and i’m so glad! sorry about your ITBS – i had it a few years ago and it was awful not being able to run while it healed! hope your recovery goes quickly!

  7. I just sort of skimmed this list and probably only took away from it the least admirable of all the traits you listed. But I still like you because you seem like the kind of person who might also just skim other people’s lists. Ryyyyight??

  8. I have nominated you for The Versatile Blogger award. You can read all about it here: I really enjoy reading your blog!

  9. Pingback: Stuff and some unrelated pictures of other stuff, while I think of something better to say | super generic girl

  10. i so get that thing with the M&Ms.

  11. Hello from another journalist-who-runs! LOVE the blog – a friend linked me to your ‘beach bodies’ post and I am now hooked.

  12. Hi, just found your blog and it’s great! I haven’t been able to find many other running blogs from people in NZ so I am stoked!! I found it through Chris at Running Calendar 🙂

  13. Wow, love you blog. You just let that unique personality (everyone has one, hahaha) shine like no one I’ve met before! Great job! Keep at it! I am guessing this is why you’ve at least been nominated for so many awards! This is the first blog I’ve found that it’s safe to say I’m hooked!

  14. Pingback: Never Wipe Your Ass with a Squirrel – book review | super generic girl

  15. Can barely navigate your way out of the house? I can relate. I also love to travel, somehow find my way around this earth but can get lost going around the blog. Love your blog – and your attitude.

  16. Number 32: Me too, all the time! I don’t even shorten people’s names unless they insist on it, (apart from mine, mine is Samantha but I always refer to myself as Sam, but that doesn’t count…honestly)

    Number 39: there is no such thing as too much coffee, unless you are jittering so much that people can only see you as a blur, in which case, go for a run then have some more and you will be fine 🙂

    Hi, I just found your blog, it seems to be awesome 🙂

  17. just want to say i think youre awesome

  18. Pingback: First post for 2014 | nzmultisports

  19. Great blog!
    So much fun to read and super inspiring!
    enjoy your running 😉

  20. I love this blog ! its funny and inspiring, I would absolutly love to put an ad of my compagny ( ) or to have a visibility of some sort on it !!

    Thanks in advance for taking the time to check it out !
    CHEERS !

  21. Please come back and type some more! I miss you and your interesting thoughts on running and life and lovely spiders!

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    It was practical. Keep on posting!

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